Let's Get Organized

I have to admit that I'm not the most organized person. Most times I'll just throw stuff around the room and leave it there until it becomes unbearable. I'm proud to say that I'm getting a little bit better at that.

Saturdays and Sundays are my least busiest days so I try to dedicate them to cleaning, organizing, and now blogging. I have a few tips and tricks that I use to stay organized.

Tip #1
The obvious, Storage Bins & Shelves
Storage bins truly are a lifesaver. They allow you to put multiple items in one place without the clutter. The trick is to put like items together a have some sort of color scheme. Also, if you have entertainment centers with shelves you can utilize those the same as bins.

Tip #2
Double Hangers
I still have no idea how/where I found out about this gem but it wouldn't be right if I didn't share it. All you need is a pull tab from a soda can and two hangers. You simply place the first hole of the pull tab on the hook of the first hanger and hook the second hanger on the second hole of the pull tab. So you're only using the space of o e hanger but get the storage of two.

Tip #3
Mason Jars
I think mason jars are great for homemade beverages because they just add a cool feel. However, they can be used for so much more. Because they are so versatile they can be used for storage in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, or even office. Mason jars can be a great storage for office supplies such as pens, clips, scissors, and staples. For the kitchen condiments and silverware can be put on display and give some extra space in the fridge.

These are only a few tips. Trust me there are so many more that may surprise you. I just thought I should spread my knowledge and even learn something from someone who may be reading this and leaves a comment.

~ Love Victoria


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